What are Soy Candles?
Soy wax is a new alternative to paraffin wax, made from soybeans, is renewable and cost effective. The soybean is one of the most versatile products used today. It has been a high protein source for millions of people for thousands of years. Soybean wax also seems to be the most promising natural wax available.
Natural waxes such as soy waxes are gaining in popularity but natural waxes are not new. Beeswax and tallow were used in colonial times to produce candles. Beeswax is a great natural alternative to paraffin, but unfortunately, to get the same results as a soy-based candle, it is cost prohibitive to use 100% beeswax in candles. Soy is in lots of things like body & skin care products, hair products, crayons, paint removers, and cleaning products. The production and burning of soy wax candles can greatly benefit the American agricultural economy. When soy wax replaces common paraffin wax, an estimated 60 million pounds of soy beans will be required for annual candle production. I predict we'll see some happy farmers!
Soy candles last three times longer than petroleum-based candles, have an incredible scent throw with virtually no black soot.
Clean Burning
One of the most famous benefits of soy candles is how clean they burn. Soy wax doesn't not produce the black soot like paraffin does. While some might say "no soot", it's actually "little soot". Everything that burns puts off smoke, and soy candles are no exception. However, the amount of smoke released from soy wax is so minimum, there are very few that notice it.
Are soy candles really "soot free"? Now, you may have read or heard other candle manufacturers claim that their all natural wax candles are "Soot Free". This is a big misconception. No candle can be "soot free", but natural wax candles do have less soot.
The only way a candle can be soot free is if the flame is completely blue (ie: propane torch), meaning there is 100% combustion. Unlike other soy candle manufacturers, we are not going to guarantee that our soybean wax is soot-free. To make a claim such as that would be misleading, and no wax can make that claim.
While soy wax its-self is all-natural and will not produce the thick black soot that you see on paraffin containers, it does produce soot - - a lighter, white soot! Anytime you have a flame and combustion you may have soot and anytime you add synthetics such as fragrance oils and dyes, you will have soot. Additionally, using too large of a wick or the incorrect wick can produce soot as well. Poor performing candles can create more fine particulate -- like in smog -- than diesel buses on a downtown street.
Soot can be a "white soot" that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Soy wax will produce little black soot---you will not see that thick black ring on the jars, nor will it do the black soot damage to homes, but it may produce white soot. No other manufacturer will tell you that.
Promoting American Farmers
Help the farmers and everyone benefits. Soy beans are grown in American fields, and processed into soy wax in the US as well. This is one of the most important benefits of soy candles! You don't have to be an economic major to know cheap paraffin candles made in other countries doesn't benefit anyone but the big business selling it. Support our farmers and our economy!
Cost Effective
A point which sometimes isn't included in many lists of the benefits of soy candles. You may be shocked by this point, but in many cases soy wax candles can be more cost effective than paraffin. Not only in quality, but in quantity too. Soy not only burns cleaner, but slower too. A soy candle can burn up to twice as long (sometimes even more!) than parafin, giving you twice the candle.
Wonderful Scent Throw
When it's said that a candle scent "throws well", this means it fills the room with a strong, lasting scent. Soy wax candles not only have a great scent throw, but also have a cleaner smell. It's been noted by many that paraffin wax will give them headaches. Of course it's not the scent itself, but the additional chemicals the paraffin is putting off. Because soy burns so clean, you'll get a cleaner scent as well.
Misconceptions about Fragrance Ingredients - Chemical Free?Honestly, this is an impossible claim to make. Water is a chemical, air is a chemical, essential oils are chemicals, and the world as we know it is a configuration of various carbon chains. Our fragrance chemists are committed to making smart, responsible raw material choices and, whenever possible, obtaining materials from renewable plant resources (also known as essential oils).
Our high quality fragrance oils contain no heavy metals (such as lead), are created just for us, using natural essential oils, aroma-chemicals, and are balanced perfectly to both optimize our blends and to create a clean burn!
Oxidation is a natural occurance. When using "all natural" and soy prodcuts, oxidation may occur due to elements in the enviornment. What does this mean? Any product candle or lotion that is made of soy wax and natural ingredients that is free of dyes and colors, may possible over time change from a white creamy color to a off white or beige tone due to the oxidation process. This is not a natural occurance that happens all the time, most the time, or even sometimes, it is just a random occurance due to the elements in the air.
What are the differences between soy candles and paraffin candles?
Some candle company's consider their candles to be "soy candles" even though they are "blended" with paraffin wax. Soy wax candles can be called soy candles even if they are as little as 25% soy or vegetable wax! We urge you to thoroughly read the label, and ask if your candles are a "blend".
Soy Candles are made from 100% all natural waxes, which are soy and vegetable waxes (palm plant wax is used for our pillars). Soy wax burns cleaner, lasts longer, holds more fragrance and supports American agriculture. It contains no toxic chemicals or carcinogenic compounds. Soy candles don’t put your health at risk. Soy candles do not release the toxins that paraffin candles emit.
Soy wax candles are crafted from soy beans. That part of your candle is absolutely all natural. Soy wax candles are not “all-natural” when you add dyes and fragrance oils. Once you add those two elements, your candle is no longer natural as they both contain chemicals.
Paraffin wax is a by-product of fuel refining - specifically, Paraffin is basically the "bottom of the barrel" even after asphalt is extracted. Paraffin is the final byproduct in the petroleum refining chain.
Even "food grade" paraffin contains several known carcinogens (cancer causing agents) identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - such as benzene and toulene, which are released into the air as a paraffin candle burns. Some other air contaminants in paraffin fumes include methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), and naphthalene--substances found in paint, lacquer and varnish removers.
Research suggests breathing paraffin fumes from a burning paraffin candle in an enclosed environment, has much the same detrimental effect as inhaling significant second-hand tobacco smoke, or even the exhaust fumes of a small diesel engine! The state of California, under its Proposition 65 Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, has identified at least seven major toxins in paraffin wax.
Our soy candles are crafted out of 100% kosher, FDA certified organic soybean wax. Our soy wax has been specially blended and analyzed. It contains NO pesticides or herbicides and is NOT from genetically modified crops!
Our soy candles are eco-friendly, hand-crafted and biodegradable. Custom crafted with top-grade fragrance oils, we guarantee our soy candles to be the safest, most fragrant eco-candle you'll find!
Bath and Body Products
What is soap?
Not many people even know what soap really is. Several of the cleansing bars that you buy at the store, for example, are detergents, and not soaps at all. They are called syndet bars, or synthetic detergent bars. They are made from synthesized chemicals and are usually much harsher than soap. Detergents contain petroleum distillates rather than oil. On the other hand, true soap is made from natural oils (such as olive, coconut and palm) and is a gentle cleansing product more appropriate for use on skin than detergent and much more mild than detergents.
How is soap made?
Soap is made by adding water, oil and butters together, along with something to form them into soap (an alkali). That ingredient is Sodium Hydroxide which is lye. For liquid soaps, it is Potassium Hydroxide. The chemical reaction is called saponification. The soap maker must calculate the correct amount of lye for the specific oils used in each recipe. If too much lye is used, the bar may be hard and crumbly. If too little, the bar becomes soft and will become rancid faster, due to the natural oils & butters that are used in handmade soap.
What is saponification?
Saponification is a chemical reaction that takes place when oil is mixed with an alkali solution, such as sodium hydroxide (lye), water & oils or butters. In other words, the oil and lye combine to make soap. When the proper amounts are used at the proper temperatures, all of the lye and oil are consumed by the reaction and only the soap remains. Generally, slightly more oil is used resulting in a soap that is more moisturizing for the skin and ensuring that all of the lye is used up in the curing process.
Why does handmade soap need to cure, and how long does that take?
Handmade soap needs to slowly cure over time to harden. As the bars harden, they become more mild. Like a fine wine, the longer the handmade soap cures, the better it is. Optimally, handmade soap should cure for 4-6 weeks. Remember, the longer, the better. The completely cured bar will be much harder due to all the moisture being evaporated out, which makes the bar less soluble (it will last longer)
How should I take care of my handmade soap to make it last?
Handmade soap is a special product. Because it contains glycerin, it can retain more moisture than other soaps. To extend the life of your handcrafted soap, place it in a well-draining soap dish. (see our massage, salon & spa page to purchase proper soap dishes) Keep unused bars in a cool, dry place out of direct contact with water. A good soap is like a good wine, the longer it cures, the better and more mild it becomes.
What are the benefits of using handmade soap?
Evidence abounds of the healing properties of a handmade bar of soap. Those who suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, as well as people that have sensitive skin or are hypoallergenic often find immediate relief by switching to handmade soap. Compared to store bought soap, handmade soap is very mild. They are often made from vegetable-based oils, such as olive, coconut, and palm and do not contain the potentially harmful chemicals found in conventional bar soap. One of the biggest differences between commercial soap and handmade soap is glycerin. Glycerin is a clear liquid that absorbs water from the air and is a key factor in keeping skin soft and healthy.
Are there Preservitives in the Products to lengthen Shelf Life?
Parabens are chemical preservatives added to personal care products for extending shelf life, and widely used in tens of thousand types of beauty products today. Four main parabens are in use: methyl, ethyl, propyl and butylparabens; many products will have 2 or more of these chemicals as part of a preservative system.
Like any product on the market, there is a recommend shelf life of 6 months and no greater than a 1 year. Always stir products prior to using if the item has been sitting for any length of time.
Bath and Body Guarantee and Disclaimer
Please note that some people may have allergies to fragrance oils, essential oils or butters such as shea butter. Contact your health care professional if you are not sure if a product is safe for you. Discontinue use if irritation occurs, and all products are for external use only. Keep products out of the reach of children. We cannot make any claims to healing or other properties of ingredients in our products.
Care should be taken when using essential oils, especially if you are pregnant or nursing. Contact your health care professional with any concerns you may have before using products.
Country Crafts and Candies will not be responsible for any injury, damages or loss of any kind due to your use of any product purchased from Country Crafts and Candies, and our maximum liability to you is the amount you paid for the product. Your purchase from Country Crafts and Candies indicates your acceptance of this information and policy.